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China export of electromechanical products usher big test

Core Tip: With the rise of labor, exchange rates and other comprehensive cost competitive advantage of Chinese traditional electromechanical products gradually weakened, plus *** shrinking market after the 2008 global financial crisis, trade protectionism, the international division of labor has also undergone a profound change, China machine

With rising labor, exchange rates and other comprehensive cost of traditional competitive advantage of Chinese electromechanical products gradually weakened, plus *** shrinking market after the 2008 global financial crisis, trade protectionism, international division of labor has undergone profound changes, China export of electromechanical products reached a crossroads.

Insiders accept International Business Daily reporter interviewed said that with the weakening of the traditional competitive advantages and the adjustment of international industries, China electromechanical industry does face greater pressure to enter the "turn on." Electrical industry must accelerate the adjustment of competitive strategy, timely follow the trend of transformation and upgrading, to seek new profit point and competitive advantage.

The situation is changing

"The traditional advantage is weakening, Chinese export of electromechanical products will be very difficult to maintain the original high growth." Electrical vice president of the Chamber of Commerce wang gui qin International Business Daily said in an interview with reporters.

General Administration of Customs spokesman, Zheng Yue sound synthesis Statistics Division, said the decline in exports of electromechanical products, the traditional labor-intensive exports increased slightly in the first half of China's export of electromechanical products 3.67 trillion yuan, down 3.6%.
Ministry of Commerce spokesman Shen Danyang at a recent Commerce Department routine press conference that June is a major feature of the foreign trade of electromechanical and high-tech products export growth fell slightly year on year growth rate was 5.1% and 3.3% , than in May fell 1.5 percentage points.

30 years, mechanical and electrical products export growth strong, especially after the 1985 export of electromechanical products to expand the strategic decision of the State Council, China rely on low labor cost advantage to seize the opportunity of international industrial transfer, and vigorously promote the development of mechanical and electrical industries. Mechanical and electrical products for the first time in 1995 to replace the textile and clothing has become China's largest export commodity, and for many years to occupy most of the country all the import and export of goods, exports for the first time in 2010 ranked first in the world to create a glorious era of mechanical and electrical goods."The situation in the changes, China's merchandise exports electromechanical begin turning point." Deputy director of the International Department of the Ministry of Commerce Market Research Institute, researchers Bai Ming International Business Daily in an interview with reporters, said that with rising Chinese labor, exchange rates and other comprehensive cost gradually weakening the traditional competitive advantages, coupled *** shrinking market after the 2008 global financial crisis, trade protectionism, technological innovation is leading the demand structure of irreversible change, international industrial division is also the profound changes taking place Anchaoyongdong China's export of electromechanical products have come to a crossroads.

Does this mean that the glory era Chinese mechanical and electrical products will be gone forever? Crossroads Chinese export of electromechanical products go from here?

Strategies must change

"Although the export of electromechanical products difficult to restore to its original growth, but the strength is still the potential is still large." wang gui qing in the analysis of the situation, said the future export of electromechanical products need to enter a "shift" period, China should seize the electromechanical industry adjustment competitive strategy.

Wanggui Qing said that although exports of electromechanical products in decline, but Chinese electromechanical products over the past thirty years of toil, not what has been cultivated for at least three major advantages: First, the size of this non-China Electrical Industry Xi than two electromechanical industrial chain shrunk, three are already helping to create ZTE, Huawei, CSR, CNR and complete sets of equipment, power generation equipment, appliances, ships and a number of internationally competitive enterprises and products, business competition force shrunk.

Zheng Yue sound citing the latest data indicated that the growth rate of export of electromechanical products is declining, but still accounted for 56.4 percent of total exports, the scale is still there.

Bai Ming said that with the mechanical and electrical industry bigger, though bred a lot of niche products, but if not promptly adjust upgrade, economies of scale will be decremented. "It's like a person, a young man can withstand cold fever, to the sixties and seventies, a little cold on the unbearable."

"Electrical industry should accelerate the upgrading and transformation strategies, build new competitive advantage." Bai Ming said the high cost is the Chinese mechanical and electrical products in the past a big competitive advantage, but with the rise in overall costs, weakening traditional strengths, as well as European and American industries and industries to reflux Southeast Asia and other markets latecomer transfer of electromechanical products to be transformed strategy, relying on research and development, relying on product quality, by brand, by the new sales model, perfect after-sales service by creating new profit point, enhance the added value and create new competitive advantage.

Bai Ming said, electromechanical industry if the transition goes well, then the stage is now facing pressure over the past thirty years to achieve rapid growth after the first wave, the second wave of the future of mechanical and electrical products can be achieved, the third wave of rapid development.